Erti Nyot Hamimi Biozerz
Jumat, 04 Maret 2011
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
M(alas) Vs M(impi)
Terkadang aku merasa iri dengan pemimpi-pemimpi ulung seperti mereka. Andrea Hirata, B.J Habibie, Alif Fikri, dan Raditya Dika. Senang sekali mereka dapat menangkap mimpinya dari rajutan peluh yang dikerjakan. Dari berpikir tingkat tinggi sampai sebuah catatan pelajar bodoh yang bisa menembus best seller. Tak pernah sedikitpun terlintas, berani out of the box seperti mereka. Terbang menuju puncak menara impian tanpa melupakan Allah, keluarga, sahabat, teman atau bahkan seorang pacar. Kecil tapi butuh usaha yang luar biasa untuk mencapainya. Anak tangga demi anak tangga harus didaki untuk menyentuh bintang yang sekian lama ingin diraih. Tapi aku yakin, selama aku masih dapat berdiri di atas kakiku sendiri, aku akan bisa memetik bintang yang paling terang itu.
Satu hambatan yang paling meruntuhkan mimpi-mimpiku adalah rasa malasku yang sudah stadium akut. Alurnya seperti gelombang transversal yang terkadang naik, tetapi juga turun secara significant. Semua usahaku gagal total untuk memangkas penyakitku yang satu ini. Dari mulai mencatat ratusan mimpiku seperti yang diajarkan oleh sesosok motivator yang sangat kukagumi hingga sekarang hingga membuat rencana-rencana yang kutulis di kertas HVS. Dan akhirnya semua itu “hilang” dan automatically terhapus di memori ingatanku.
Pelangi itu mengatakan bahwa, mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukan dunia. Lalu bagaimana dengan malas? Apakah itu merupakan sebuah gembok, dimana tanpa ada mimpi maka gerbang itu akan tertutup rapat. Jadi kesimpulannya, hanya orang yang mempunyai mimpi saja lah yang dapat membuka gembok kemalasannya untuk masuk kedalam gerbang impiannya. (Erham, 25Feb’11)
Kamis, 23 Desember 2010
Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup
Di dunia terdapat tidak kurang dari 500 juta macam organisme. Organisme tersebut memiliki ciri – ciri yang beraneka ragam. Begitu beragamnya organisme ini sehingga di perlukan suatus sistem untuk mengenal dan mempelajarinya. Beberapa ahli biologi mencoba menciptakan suatu sistem untuk mempermudah mengenal dan mempelajari organisme melalui suatu cara pengkalsifikasian. Pengklasifikasian merupakan proses berdasarkan ciri tertentu.
Organisme yang mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama di kumpulkan sebagai satu kelompok. Ciri-ciri kelompok telah mewakili sifat-sifat individu. Sebagai contoh, kambing, sapi, dan kerbau merupakan kelompok hewan memamah biak ( ruminansia ).
Dengan meningkatnya peradaban manusia, terutama pengetahuan tentang manfaat makhluk hidup sebagai obat dan bahan pangan, maka keperluan akan nama makhluk hidup semakin besar. Maka mulai diperlukan suatu penggolongan atau klasifikasi makhluk hidup berdasarkan pemikiran yang rasional. Misalnya penggolongan berdasarkan persamaan ciri, cara hidup, tempat hidup, daerah penyebaran, dan sebagainya. Ilmu yang mempelajari klasifikasi hidup disebut Taksonomi
Tujuan dan Manfaat klasifikasi
Klasifikasi yang dilakukan oleh para ahli biologi bertujuan untuk:
1. Mendeskripsikan ciri ciri makhluk hidup untuk membedakan tiap tiap jenis, agar mudah dikenal.
2. Mengelompokkan makhluk hidup persamaan ciri-ciri nya.
3. Menegtahui hubungan kekerabatan antar makhluk hidup.
4. Mempelajari evolusi makhluk hidup atas dasar kekerabatannya.
Klasifikasi memiliki manfaat penting yang dapat langsung diterapkan bagi kepentingan manusia, yaitu:
1. Pengelompokan memudahkan kita mempelajari organisme yang beraneka ragam.
2. Klasifikasi dapat digunakan untuk melihat hubungan kekerabatan antara makhluk hidup yang satu dengan yang lain. Sebagai contoh, harimau dan kucing memiliki persamaan ciri-ciri, misalnya harimau dan kucing sama-sama menyusui, bertulang belakang, berkaki empat, karnivor, dan berambut. sedangkan komodo bertelur, berkaki empat, kulit bersisik, dan melata.
Jumat, 17 Desember 2010
Organ-Organ Tumbuhan
The main organs of plant seeds there are 3, namely: roots, stems, and leaves.
Who's the other parts of these organs is a modification, eg modifications tuber roots, flowers modification of twigs and leaves.
Who's the other parts of these organs is a modification, eg modifications tuber roots, flowers modification of twigs and leaves.
Root is the root origin of the institution (radix), in dicots, the root of the institution continues to grow so as to form the roots of riding, in monocots, the root of dead bodies, then at the base of the stem will grow roots that have a similar size that form the root fibers.
The roots of monocots and dicots root tip is protected by a hood or kaliptra, whose function is to protect the root tip when penetrating the soil, there kaliptra cells containing beads of Amylum, called kolumela.
1. Root Function
a. To anchor the plant in the soil body
b. Can serve to store food reserves
c. Absorb water dam mineral salts dissolved
2. Root Anatomy
In young roots when it's done cross-section will look the parts from outside to inside.
a. Epidermal
b. Cortex
c. Endodermis
d. Cylinder Head / Stele
a. Epidermal
The composition of the cells meeting and thick single layer of cells, easily pass the cell wall of water. Root
hairs is a modification of the root epidermal cells, is responsible for absorbing water and dissolved
mineral salts, root hairs extending root surface.
b. Cortex
It lies directly beneath the epidermis, the cells are not arranged a meeting so many have a space between
cells. Most are built by parenchymal tissue.
c. Endodermis
Is a separator layer between the cortex by the central cylinder. Endodermis cells can undergo thickening
agent cork on the walls and formed like dots, called point Caspary. In the subsequent growth of thickening
agents on the cork until the cell wall facing the central cylinder, when examined under a microscope would
look like hutuf U, called U-cells, so that water can not go to the central cylinder. But not all endodermis
cells have thickened, allowing water to enter the central cylinder. The cells are called cell router / cell
d.Silinder Center / Stele
Cylinder head / Stele is the deepest part of the root.
Consisting of various kinds of networks:
- Persikel / Perikambium
Is the outermost layer of the Stele. Branch roots formed from the growth persikel outwards.
- File Tubes Transport / Vasis
Consists of xylem and phloem are arranged alternately in the direction of the toes. In dicotyledonous
between xylem and phloem cambium tissue there.
- Core It lies most within or between beam transport vessels consists of parenchymal tissue.
There is a difference between dicotyledonous and monocot stem anatomy in the composition.
Trunk Network
1. Dicotyledonous stem
In dicotyledonous stems are the layers from the outside in:
a. Epidermal
Consisting of a compact cell membranes, has no space between cells. The function of the epidermis to
protect the underlying tissues. On the stem secondary growth, the epidermal layer was replaced by a
layer of cork cambium formed from cork.
b. Cortex
Stem cortex is also called first shell, consisting of several layers of cells, which is close to the epidermal
layer is composed of kolenkim network, composed of increasingly into the parenchymal tissue.
c. Endodermis
Endodermis rod also called skin deep, composed of a layer of cells, a layer of separation between the
cortex with the Stele. Endodermis Anguiospermae plants contain starch, but not found in gymnosperms
plant endodermis.
d. Stele / Cylinder Head
It is the deepest layer of the stem. Outermost layers of the Stele called perisikel or perikambium. Stele
Institute of vessels on the type of collateral, called xylem and phloem meaning. The location of each side
by side, next to the xylem and phloem of the outer. Between xylem and phloem cambium intravasikuler
there, on the subsequent development of parenchymal tissue contained between the beam transport
vessels are also turned into cambium, called the cambium intervasikuler. Both can hold secondary growth
resulting in increase of trunk diameter. In dicotyledonous plants, woody hard, and his chronic,
secondary thickening growth is not continuous, but only when water and nutrients is enough, while the dry
season so that growth does not occur on the trunk appear thickened growth layers, each layer shows
growth activity for one year, layer upon layer of the circle is called the Circle of the Year.
2. Monocot stem
In monocot stems, the epidermis consists of a single cell layer, the boundary between the cortex and the
Stele generally unclear. In Stele monocots have vascular bundles that spread and type of collateral closed meaning between the xylem and phloem cambium was not found. The absence of cambium in monocots
monocotyledon not cause the stem to grow bigger,in other words there is no secondary thickening growth. However, there are monocots which can hold the secondary thickening growth, for example on
HANJUANG tree (Cordyline sp) and pineapple trees across (Agave sp.)
Leaf is a modification of the stem, the plant is part of the body's most lots contain chlorophyll, so photosynthesis activity most widely held in the leaf.
Anatomy of the leaf can be divided into 3 parts:
1. Epidermal
The epidermis is the outermost layer of leaves, there are upper epidermis and lower epidermis, to prevent
the evaporation that is too large, the epidermis layer is coated by a layer of cuticle. In the epidermis there
are stomata / leaf mouth, stoma useful to the site of a gas exchange to and from outside the body of plants.
2. Parenchyma / mesophyll
Leaf parenchyma consists of 2 layers of cells, the palisade (fence networks) and sponge (sponge tissue),
both containing kloroplast. Rail network cells are tightly sponge tissue cells rather tenuous, so there are
spaces between cells. Photosynthetic activity is more active on the fence because kloroplastnya network
more than the sponge tissue.
3. Tubes Networks
Leaf vascular tissue is a continuation of the stem tissue, bone contained in the leaves and leaf veins.
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
The Miracle of Microscop Electron
Assalamualaikum wr. wb
Hehehe... (n.n)v
ini posting pertamaku teman-teman, semoga informasi menajubkan dibawah ini semakin menambah kecintaan kalian pada dunia biologi. . .
Hehehe... (n.n)v
ini posting pertamaku teman-teman, semoga informasi menajubkan dibawah ini semakin menambah kecintaan kalian pada dunia biologi. . .
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